Course curriculum
Smile Development
Summary - what does it mean to live a yogic life ?
Non - harming
Storing Vital energy
Non hoarding and a Simple life
Homework Section 1
The Pillar of Ahimsa
Modes of Nature - How we see the world and those around us ? How do we become entangled in society/ how our choices are influenced by others and the yogis way
What you think and Do matters - Karma yoga
Homework Section 2
To Restore Oneself - a Restorative class
Nature of Impermanence
The Magic Ten
Ideal Practices - Engaging home practices including being in nature and working on ways to purify ourselves to live a happy and peaceful life
Walking Meditation
Beginner Vinyasa class
Homework Section 3
Blessings Meditation
Kriya and bandha practice
Vata Characteristics
Pitta characteristics
Kapha characteristics
A note from my Teacher
Love and Chant and be happy
Chant and Be Happy
Chant 1
Chant 2
Chant 3
Yoga sutras an overview
Homework Section 4
Loving kindness meditation
Enlightenment - to lighten up And Deepen our connection to the Divine
The Man in the glass
My class to release tension and strain from the Psoas
Ingrained in the past - All the worlds a stage and we are merely players !
Tibetan Relaxation
Pause for Peace
Shyam Das Teaching
Further reading and Post course study
Book list and references
Standing class for Stability and Ease
Learn and develop ways of skilful living on the yogic path . Our mantra will be " simple living and high thinking " Suitable for experienced practitioners, teachers and student teachers .
Lectures and live Zoom meetings on ethics and values of yoga
Practical ways to develop a consistent asana practice
Visualisation and affirmation practices
Chanting japa mantra , and making the sacred personal
Meditation videos and practice
Discussion and lecture on Yoga sutra and social activism
Zoom calls with Andrea sharing tips and support on practice